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Joshilyn Jackson
Possett, but no one was about to ask Arlene, what with the nose ring and her dragging home one long-haired ... smokey boyfriend after another and anyway they all make such a deal about her being in college for seven ... years getting all these degrees about nothing, so never mind that she's three years older than ...
published by Gold Wake Press in 2011. What is this project about? How long have you worked on it? Megan ... form, it’s really about how we construct narratives to define ourselves and what happens when we realize ... end, it’s about how we go about constructing new narratives and identities for ourselves: how difficult ...
immediately that everybody already knew about it. But nobody had told him-not surprisingly, he thought. He ... knew he would not have told anyone either, if he'd known about something like this, not even ... his best friend, not even his wife. Indeed, he wondered how one, really, would go about talking about ...
Page 337 from Issue 110-111 Campbell McGrath The Florida Poem Let me start by saying this about ... Florida. About the history of Florida, the proud beginnings of Florida, proud and noble begin­ ... ings/genesis/roots/traditions, about the histo---about the mythic identity of Florida, its sun-loving soul, its vital essence, ...
I didn't find myself wanting to, but not all at once, not every last detail, but 46 wanting to hear about ... Lola's own habits of broaching the topic, you might say asking her about playing with herself and so ... and that could be frustrating, but talking about go,go dancing, constipation, previous boyfriends, the ...
very underemployed and casting about as to what to do with my life, and I spent a lot of time lying on ... world, but also finding it so demoralizing to read about terrible things that were happening.  About ... a year before this, my grandmother had passed away. I started thinking about how she would have been my ...
Nuala Pikowsky
talked about linear and lump thinking, about the implosion on the mind, about getting on the merry-go­ ... round wherever you are, about Marshall McLuhan, and about getting jobs. But it was still coming on. One ...
William Virgil Davis
discovered it he discovered almost immediately that everybody already knew about it. But nobody had told ... about something like this, not even his best friend, not even his wife. Indeed, he wondered how one, ... really, would go about talking about it? In this case, wouldn't it be obvious that (if not ...
Campbell McGrath
me start by saying this about Florida. About the history of Florida, the proud beginnings of Florida, ... proud and noble begin­ ings/genesis/roots/traditions, about the histo---about the mythic identity of ...
Diane Rosenblum
The Naked Truth About Women Print Pages:  Page 245 from Issue 91 TRIQUARTERLY The Naked Truth ... About Women Diane Rosenblum The Naked Truth About Women is a critique of the visual portrayal of women ... in our culture. In contrast to a history of images of women that are about the creation of desire, ...
