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Spring 1970
distinction between poetry and philosophy is re­ garded as entirely unreal by these thinkers, but it is ...
Monday, June 15, 2015

Everyone who worked to make TriQuarterly an online journal wanted to create a beautiful, highly functional site designed with the reader in mind.  We hope our readers will continue to enjoy the look and use of our site.  But there was a second goal, too—a very large one that seemed both difficult and tremendously exciting.  This was to digitize and upload the entire print history of TriQuarterly and make it available everywhere without any cost to readers.   TriQuarterly’s history as a print journal is a unique and (we believe) peerless resource for readers and for those who study late-twentieth century and twenty-first century writing.

TriQuarterly’s earlier history is the documentation of an explosively creative time, especially in short fiction.  Also, the special issues—so various, often compendious, and unusual, from the 1960s to the early 1990s—are now fascinating windows on writers, topics and places that were part of the continuous remaking of literary culture both in the U.S. and abroad.  The special issues include a massive, groundbreaking issue on the history of the “little magazine” in America; the early book-length collection of essays on Jorge Luis Borges; the two cold-war volumes of translated “Russian Literature and Culture in the West”; the Nabokov issue and the Sylvia Plath issue (first gatherings of essays on these writers), as well as those on Leszek Kolakowski and Thomas McGrath; the conceptual art issue; the boxed two-volume issue filled with what is now, almost 40 years later, called “flash fiction”; the special issues of the 1980s and early 1990s on South Africa (the first imagining in the U.S. of what a post-apartheid literary culture might and should look like), Spain after the end of censorship, Poland under martial law, Mexico (the first collection of translated Mexican writing since the poetry anthology of Octavio Paz and Samuel Beckett in the late 1950s ), and writing about Chicago; the issues with special features on poetry from India and Chiapas; the extensive presentation of the work of William Goyen and John Cage.  To say nothing of all the general issues, including the many published between 1974 and 1981 that focused so often on what was new and exciting in American fiction, and the 1990 anthology issue of the best fiction published in TQ during the 1980s.

Digitizing this rich trove is well under way, and on the occasion of the publication of this issue, TriQuarterly 148, we offer our readers the first sampling of the print issues, selected from different eras of the magazine’s print life.  Over the next year or so, we will upload all of TriQuarterly from #1 to #137.


Featuring the Work of:
  • Ben Greenman
  • Carlos Cunha
  • James Tadd Adcox
  • William Goyen
  • Patrice Repusseau
Winter/Spring 2011


Featuring the Work of:
  • Jane Hamilton
  • Joe Meno
  • Jonathan Evison
  • Thisbe Nissen
  • David Driscoll
Summer/Fall 2010


Spring 1970




Winter 1995/96


Spring/Summer 1999


Spring 2003


Fall 2003
little" meandering photographer who doubled as a hatcheck girl when somebody called in sick. It is ...
algebra class. Iris sipped the drink slowly, trying to make it last forty-five minutes, until the bell ...
on fire, he had an incredible urge to rub his nose along Natalia's entire body and bury it ...
was so solid I could feel it on my face, like an open hand, one of Lonnie's big hands across ...
person. But it is too late. Time went ahead and did some real altering. I am forty-one and look like hell. ...
bloody lion" swarming "above the towers of Troy to glut its hunger lapping at the blood ...
rest... learn­ ing about the body and its functions, training to become the most intelligent and well ...
still makes them so fascinating. Originally it was the imagery that was so shocking-beer cans cast in ...
