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these tools than their particular technical merits. Then I'll wrap it all up with a love poem to ... it's not what makes me want to keep writing about this topic. Instead, it's the fundamental ... publishing industry every day, and so much of it is focused on the business end of things, and what these ...
She’s read Plato and Sappho, Browning and Catullus, Ovid and Milton, as we see in the poemLove, N1.” ... heart of the book is the second section, where the long title poemLove: An Index” appears. Here we are ... thought impossible to desire anything / you’ve never seen, and so the blind could not love. LEMON, Meyer, ...
bring back what I love, and for awhile she does-a flower here, another there, fast-talking me through ... nests, their faith at my feeder, but I can tell you this, keep an eye on the children. September will ... come, the ripe business whirring, too many things you can't see in all the greenery, its ...
Page 80 from Issue 54 What does this mean in practice? In the Foreword to Silence, Cage writes: ... teAs I see it, poetry is not prose simply because poetry is in one way or another formalized. It is not ... sound poems as Mureau and Writings through Finnegans Wake, it is essential to "demili­ tarize ...
