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a soothing solution and one flattering to the liberal arts, but it will not sat­ isfy all readers. Perhaps it ... Coriolanus was obliged to go into exile. From this point forward the major motive force behind all his ... ungracious," a favor that was not a favor; for to concede all as a favor to Volumnia was "less an ...
criminals it was not only necessary to understand completely, from a Marxist point of view, all of American ... invited four hundred people; the new Ward McAllister of the new Liberal Elite. When I saw the guest list, ... "... He (the criminal) produces not only com­ pendia on Criminal Law, not only penal codes... but also ...
of major art, which is that tradition of international modernism, a tradition which has the ... the New Man and in Protestantism, which even at its most liberal (hippest?) can not drop their ... indulgence of their cozy bathos. Such talk spreads bad breath; it stinks of the ninteenth century. Nothing ...
case a futile, if not a suicidal, delusion. Each concession, in this view, simply gives renewed hope to ... that Menachem Begin was the first Israeli prime minister to invoke the Holocaust in almost every major ... post-Exilic Jewish experience, needs to be assessed with tremendous care and with a continuing sense of ...
Hannah Arendt defined as the classical school, do not fit into the liberal scheme of development. ... internationalized the movement and performed three other functions for liberalism as well: first, it forged a link ... According to this scheme, Locke at the end of the seventeenth century (and the Levellers in the English ...
is presently majoring in English in the College of Liberal Arts. He is a senior. This Lovely Flower ... all things come to those who wait They will not need them: in due time one dies. The attitude could be ... Cunningham's poetry since 1950 seems less abstruse, and is indicated in the first poem of his latest ...
Richard B. Sypher
a student at the School of Journalism, but is presently majoring in English in the College of Liberal Arts ... of truth from lies. If not quite all things come to those who wait They will not need them: in due ... indicated in the first poem of his latest collection, TriviaL, Vulgar, and Exalted, in which he speaks of ...
Fall 1980
violent art form. For some twenty­ five years during the twenty-fifth century, many of the artists in ... Web, not much energy had been expended on it. The synapse-jamming technique first surfaced on a moon of ... Page 147 from Issue 49 information had spread slowly from its first source, hindered by law and ...
terms of a kind of liberation theology before liberation theology had turned up. Not that I want to make ... Page 63 from Issue 70 early Christianity and, if not Marxism- no, of course not- but at least ... who was the all-time Olym­ pic water walker and gandy dancer. This was the view that a lot of the ...
a surfeit. Like avant-garde art-making in the 1960s, posting a tweet or a photograph in the twenty-first ... fame before a London audience as he applied to his canvas not paint but hydrochloric acid. By then, ... Largely, art is about time. The majority of artworks are a distortion, stretch, diminution, or reversal of ...
