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"signatures" rather than the Name Itself. The style of "The Town Dump" is character­ istic. ...
woman, whom she knew by sight but not by name, stood staring searchingly into her face. "Oh, Miz ...
truth in the concept of the noble savage, but only if we estab­ lish one complementary concept, namely ...
theatrical identi­ ties, and their names are too seldom in lights to remind me of their brief, flamboyant ...
heaven's name are you doing?" "Hm? What's the matter, Miss Krause?" No ...
a problem with this, name the largest city within a hundred mile radius of your home and say you live in ...
through smudged pages until he found one with space re­ maining. He asked her name, address, and tele­ ...
gregarious boy from Su­ matra, named Muhammed and called Piet. Os­ tensibly, it is Piet's duty to ...
What is now a pretentious suburb of Chicago with a pretentious name and an expressway downtown, was ...
appeared to take our luggage. His name was Birzen. He picked up my suitcase and walked toward the stairs. ...
