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Fall 1997
(Another Chicago Press, 1993). The American Academy of Arts and Letters has awarded him its Medal of Merit ...
Fall 1998
me. It's a new guy, he knows. Nothing worth mentioning. Andrew is correct, though. He ...
Fall / Winter 2002
especially-sometimes asked why he didn't remarry; it wasn't right for a man to be alone. He might ...
Summer 2003
New England," and Peter Carey re­ hearses it again in Oscar and Lucinda, where ...
Fall 2003
portrayal is, to use Kafka's words, "full-bodied"; but at the same time, it is ...
lethal injection and how it began to be used in this country. Which state was the first to adopt lethal ...
sponded that they feel afraid; 30.7 percent stated that it evoked their hatred. This survey also indicated ...
learn; we do change. And it is the stories we tell that alert us to our maladies and suggest modes of ...
radically different dream. In real life, after Hank I had a boyfriend for a number of years who it turned ...
beneath Picasso's signature. It occurred to Paul that Marais could, despite his fame, have lived ...
