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magazine, while main­ taining its special interest in southern literature, has offered a cosmo­ politan ...
issues from 1966 [?] to 1977) counts the following poets among its many contributors: Allen Ginsberg, ...
It on Foot (Atheneum), In the World's Common Grasses (Moving Parts), and Fireclock (4 Zoas). ...
1992. She founded and directed the MFA writing program at Goddard College and presently teaches in its ...
of poems, It Was Fever That Made the World (University of Chicago Press, 1989). His poems, ...
her for her activities, though it embarrassed him among his friends, and sometimes even brought ...
Elspeth's sight and hearing. She drank sparingly and when she could no longer stand it, went home to Agnes ...
Fall 1997
was smoking at breakneck swiftness, in the incandescence of its Terribleness. The red, white and blue ...
the woman said to Hal. "Good Lord, Robert, what are we doing here? Tell me what it is ...
Shaked states that through its attitude towards the Arabs in pre-State Israel, the Hebrew literature of ...
