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writer. My religious world led me to a more sober view of the writing enterprise. I would not use words as ... slavish messengers of comfort and ease, but to explore seriously-I knew not what at that time in my life. ... passion-there isn't much mystery about it. You read and you write. You make the masters of modern ...
 —Patricia Hampl It’s true; we all do know our own stories. But in my case, what I didn’t know was which one ... polite, but I knew he was right. It’s what I would have said to any would-be writer. Why, then, couldn’t ... trap that so many of my students do. What follows, then, is not a very pretty story, but I hope it’ll ...
heirs to vacuum and candy fortunes, legacy kids, which I was not, would it change how you’d read this ... protecting my own? How much telling is a factual tale, and how much telling is too much? (Does it matter that ... remained. What animal was this? A memoir? Essay? Craft essay? Fictional autobiography? Should we publish it ...
Rumpus,  Longreads,  The Washington Post,  Playboy,  Rolling Stone, and more. She lives in New York City, ... and you can find her on Twitter at  @lillydancyger. Contributions Issue 159 Winter/Spring 2021 Friday, ...
Irishmen told me they couldn't understand Finnegans Wake and so didn't read it. I asked ... work, and was more changed by it than by any artist of this century. He does not understand ... has given me no explanation of it. I would be delighted to retrace Basho's steps in japan ...
should he be alert when I was a scrump? Didn't need a thatch of cheese-cloth to be my nanny. ... Barthelme or N abokov, not yet acquainted with Charyns work, would be tempted to read any further? All this ... between the crabbed houses on the rump of Batchelor HiII squashed my determination. I knew all about the ...
Salvage in my hands for the discount price of $9.99. I pressed “buy.” It was the first time I had ever ... it was: my book on Kindle. I felt relieved: my book was deemed Kindle-worthy. But what about the ... require flipping back to reread earlier chapters. But reading on my Kindle didn’t detract from American ...
growing from the center of his body. In the sixth year of his experiment, he was skillfully moving his ... don't know whether Ramon or Martin or Jesus was the first one to see him. What we do know is that right ... beginning the cautious flapping that was to carry him to glory. At times he would pause, wet his finger with ...
how much I get to read and study literature. The dirty secret is that we teachers create our syllabi ... story takes place in Washington, D.C., in the mid-1980s, which was the time of my own adolescence, but ... I knew the story would be told in this kind of spare, omniscient third-person narration. But I didn ...
