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Richard Burgin
eyes turned toward the pool where he was ogling a little brunette girl in a pink bathing suit who was ... quickly, never realized so much about someone in a single glance. 1 simply looked out at him two tables ... other forlorn-looking dishes and sat down at a table that faced the pool (all St. Louis hotels of this ...
it: if we are to understand and sympathize with one another, we can’t look away. Moon Trees is one of ... her brain. An ex-con’s parole officer turns up dead in one of his nutria traps. Where on earth do you ... Virgin as she smokes. Do these images arise all on their own, or do you go looking for them in some way? ...
little hats. All the normal people, the plants and trees, leading normal lives. Settled. What is wrong ... the US Air Force, F-22s in formation. A flapless V. How is it they flap so little and remain midair? ... hair—all these green grasses turned gold. Our eyes feast on golden white, our feet walk on carpets of ...
belligerence reflected in his face, and they both laugh once and turn away. The light steepens in the sky. ... Walking back from the pond, they take the path through an abandoned peach orchard. Black branches poke out ... furrows cut by the plow have hardened into ridges, and out of the cracked, baked ground peach trees twist ...
a forced marriage, she said, they're tricking that little girl into a wedding with some disgusting ... old goat and in two months she'll wake up and wonder what happened to her. Trees and houses ... most certainly done with Antonio Vitarelli when they ran away to Florida. Those things happened ...
then they're kissing on the lips, maybe doing worse things below, how could he, and even ... she wanted him to look at her again and he did and her head was like it was an hour before: turned and ... look and smile and my neck arched and head turned so and mouth parted in a preparation-for-kiss ...
after either birth and no periods at all until she’d stopped breastfeeding when they each turned two. ... her arm out from under him. His limbs are heavy and loose, his torso and head like little water-filled ... a night, calling for her. Tonight, they’re quiet. On the nightstand beside the bed, her phone dings. ...
Page 80 from Issue 109 TRIQUARTERLY at the cracks where the brown showed through. Old shoes, ... a spot opposite Beppe, though in the process his cane slipped to the floor and nearly tripped him. ... "How I hate that thing," he said after he finally settled. "And where is Maria ...
breeze. Mr. Jonas looked over to the big tree behind the boucan where they used to store cocoa and nutmegs ... Page 53 from Issue 120 ward the garden outside, so that the daughter turned to look at the ... bougainvillea, purple and prickly, half-expecting to see a wall and a man straining to look, feeling a little bit ...
green peppers, and tomatoes-looking for all the world as if they gathered them in the desert. No ... evening quiet returned, as though nothing had happened. A profound hush. They shifted us some four miles ... handclapping. The three of them were back, as if they'd popped out of the ground, trying to rouse us. ...
