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designed to address all aspects of writing and publishing. This year AWP has added a feature to its website ... Patrick Carberry Friday, February 10, 2012 Blog Perhaps one of the most expansive literary events ... If you’ve never been, you should note that there are three major aspects to AWP. The first is what ...
of the Poetry Foundation, about the organization Hey Small Press!. Here’s who they are: We are Hey ... United States. Founded by current and former public library employees, we exist to encourage libraries to ... acquire small and independent press books. We love good books and want them on library shelves! The ...
what she saw before her at that very moment, at 10:35 P.M.: "Mother exhibits no positive ... tonight," Carol told Iris. Iris nodded. "You have made the right decision. It's a first ... Page 80 from Issue 96 TRIQUARTERLY His vigorous routine had provoked his asthma and he grabbed his ...
because they're either cluttered and not much fun to read, or updated at a relatively glacial pace. ... don't feel like it. The best "feature" of Twitter though (air quotes because I'm not sure ... past I've been tempted to push everything through Twitter so I only have one place to check for ...
