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Henry His in TriQuarterly, No.9 (1967), pp. 65-77; reprinted in George Gomori and Charles Newman, eds., ...
editor Ralph Maud, drawing on his twenty-two "staff writers," intended to hold an ...
Communism" in 1953 (Vol. XX, No.5), a 1954 review by Dwight Macdonald entitled "McCarthy and His ...
Fall 1980
Mystery Magazine. His son, Joel, is now the publisher of both Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, ...
had sought to improve the lot of his impoverished people by the introduction of Western technologies, ...
that is, the inviolability of the indi­ vidual and his property guaranteed by the so-called ...
division. Thus Andrew Mellon and his Gospel of Wealth represented the same species of conservatism on the ...
individual and his liberty, foci that were equally highlighted in both stages of liberalism, and whereas both ...
father into the dyad comes to take on a very different meaning as a result of Klein's work; his ...
itself, against a tired and cramped society, and against history. He proposed, in his plots and fantasies, ...
